Experience Heilstollen therapy in the Saint Barbara of the Morassina show mine

Healing tunnel therapy at the Morassina Health Center
In the Morassina Health Center you can take advantage of the healing therapy and many other offers of alternative and natural healing.
Background on healing therapy
We live in a fast-paced world characterized by an excess of demands, stresses and anxieties. Situations that can no longer be coped with as easily and smoothly as in an earlier time are the most common trigger to a health risk. In daily life many accept their life as it is. They damage their health. Others gain distance from their everyday life through mental time-out by regaining their inner peace and control over themselves through targeted training.
Allergic respiratory and skin diseases are steadily increasing worldwide, and not only in industrialized countries. Among the risk factors, the increasing air pollution ranks first. It consists mainly of the components sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, ozone and dust particles of the most different causative sources.
In addition to direct exposure to pollutants, a combination of pollutants with allergens and a resulting increase in bronchial sensitivity are also discussed. Children and older people are particularly at risk. Nationwide, around 2.5 million children and adolescents suffer from hay fever, 2 million from neurodermatitis and a good 1 million from bronchial asthma.
It is alarming that despite the increasing number of prescriptions for asthma medications (asthma sprays) and modern anti-inflammatory drugs (cortisone sprays), these diseases continue to increase. Many patients are skeptical about medication and look for alternative solutions.
The healing tunnel therapy
In recent years, there has been an increase in interest in this form of treatment. Climatic therapy has increased rapidly. Special forms of climatic therapy are lake climate, high mountain climate and cave therapy or healing tunnel therapy (speleotherapy). Recent research has shown that underground mine air is the ideal bioclimatic environment for health and general well-being.
In certified healing gallery therapy stations, such as in the Morassina “Saint Barbara” healing gallery, strict quality standards ensure stable biological, chemical and physical conditions.
The healing climatic treatment methods had an important place at the beginning of the last century. Pulmonological diseases, convalescence and increased susceptibility to illness were the preferred indicators for climatic therapies. This would still be the case today, but in modern medicine, unfortunately, they have practically lost their therapeutic value to the benefit of pharmaceutics.
In recent years, however, the general trend shows a wave of reconsideration, especially due to increasing use by young children and the elderly.
Behind the term “Heilstollen therapy” a new form of climatic therapy has been rediscovered, completely free of stress and side effects, basic and preventive applicable.
In recent years, various studies have been conducted on the application of healing tunnel therapy, of which only a few will be mentioned here:
⦁ Effect of ergometric stress in the healing tunnel “Sankt Barbara” of the Morassina show mine in Schmiedefeld (Master’s thesis Elisa Walter, 2010).
⦁ Scientific evaluation on radon as a healing agent (Verein RADIZ Schlema e.V., 2005).
⦁ Study on the efficacy of cave therapy in children with asthma by the University Hospital and Polyclinic for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine Ulm, Germany. Medical Director Prof.Dr.K.-m Decatine and Prof. Dr.M. Leidsenring Ulm, 01.04.2003.
⦁ Result report on climatic and air-hygienic quality standards for healing cave facilities in the Morassina Health Center of Schmiedefeld by the German Weather Service, Department of Climate and Environmental Consulting Freiburg/Breisgau 2003).
⦁ Field report on the effect of healing tunnel therapy on patients with chronic respiratory diseases in the Silberbergstollen of the climatic health resort Bodenmais in the period 1986-1994, Dr. med. Manfred Schuppler.
The following diseases can be treated and/or prevented with the help of the healing tunnel therapy:
⦁ bronchial asthma,
⦁ Chronic bronchitis – COPD,
⦁ Chronic diseases of the respiratory tract in childhood,
⦁ Hay fever,
⦁ sinusitis,
⦁ neurodermatitis,
⦁ Pseudocroup in young children,
⦁ physical and psychological states of exhaustion.
The healing gallery “Saint Barbara” in the Morassina health center
In the legendary and romantic sog. Schwefelloch in Schmiedefeld am Rennweg is the Morassina health center, which is designed in and around the Morassina show mine.
The Morassina exhibition mine originated from a former alum slate mine, which operated underground from 1683 to 1860. During this period, the miners created a system of cavities that extends over three levels. The currently known cavities and gallery systems of the Morassina have an extension of more than 2 km with a volume of more than 20.000 m³.
After the cessation of active mining, the mine slowly fell into oblivion until 1951, when miners from the then SDAG Wismut excavated the dilapidated entrances to the mine building. Although they did not find any uranium, they did find countless dripstones and sinter formations that are unparalleled in their variety of forms and richness of color. Again and again, visitors and guests are captivated and fascinated by the grandiose master builder of nature.
In 1996, the Morassina mine was even listed in the Guinness Book of Records as a “unique exhibition mine – a combination of natural beauty and technical monument with relics of mining activity of high cultural-historical value”, because in addition to the stalactite and sinter formation, almost the entire stamp setting and individual parts of the tools of the miners have been preserved in their original condition.
As early as 1992, concrete thoughts were made to prepare a part of the cavity system for medical purposes. In 1994, the excavation, expansion and safety work for the “St. Barbara” healing gallery began.
The health-promoting parameters have been recognized through numerous analyses, expert opinions and our own experience, and have been used in a targeted manner since the inauguration of the Heilstollen in 1996. In many ways, the cave air saturated with health-promoting aerosols, combined with our healthy low mountain range climate, provides relief, healing and well-being.
The Morassina mine with its “St. Barbara” healing gallery has been a member of the German Healing Gallery Association since 1997. This supervises nationwide 10 cure and healing facilities in abandoned mines or natural caves. The German Heilstollen Association works according to strict quality standards, which are specified and monitored by the German Weather Service Freiburg/Breisgau and the responsible state mining authorities.
In 2007/2008, the Committee for Quality Standards of the German Heilstollen Association carried out an assessment of all members with regard to the quality and function of the individual climatic and health-promoting parameters in the Heilstollen and the surrounding area above ground.
As a result of this evaluation, the Heilstollen “Sankt Barbara” was awarded the three-star diploma of the German Heilstollen Association in March 2009. The quality standards are regularly checked by the DHV.
The Heilstollen “Sankt Barbara” is accessible via a 240 m long tunnel. At a depth of approx. 62 m, the air temperature is 8.5 °C, the water temperature is 7.5 °C, and the air humidity varies between 98 % and 99.
The healing effect is caused by the almost constant atmosphere and the extreme purity of the air. Conditions in the mountain are almost completely free of allergens, germs and dust. This is made possible by a constant exchange of air within the mountain. The Morassina healing gallery is located on the middle level. While the upper level is used for the tours of the visitors, the lower level remains largely unused.
The air is enriched with minerals and radon and is transported through the middle level (i.e. the Heilstollen) to the upper level via a constant chimney effect. Thus, a complete exchange of air takes place in the Heilstollen overnight at the latest.
The cold and humid air enriched with radon stimulates cell activity in the nasal mucosa and lungs and improves the binding of oxygen to red blood cells. The effect is noticeable already after approx. half an hour clearly noticeable. The respiratory tract is cleansed of foreign bodies in a natural way and even the activity of the lowest parts of the lungs is noticeably stimulated.
Intensive therapy also strengthens the immune system as a whole. Also with various skin diseases already large successes with the Heilstollentherapie could be registered.
In the healing gallery “Saint Barbara” of the Morassina show mine you will experience health, well-being, relief and healing. You can get an idea of the success of the treatment of various symptoms from the numerous testimonies on our homepage. If you have any questions about the therapy, our experienced team will also be happy to help you.
Before starting a healing tunnel therapy you should also consult your family doctor.
We offer you the following treatment in our Heilstollen:
Standard cure 21 days 2 hours daily,
Intensive treatment 10 days 2 x 2 hours daily,
Vacation offer 10 days 2 hours daily,
Taster day 3 days 2 x 2 hours daily,
Trial day 1 day 2 hours.
Of course, we are also happy to respond to your individual wishes. The healing gallery is daily from 9.00 – 16.00 o’clock open. On request we are also available after the opening hours until 21.00 o’clock there for you. The last entry (entrance) is 19.00 o’clock. It is recommended to bring your own sleeping bag (rental fee 5,00 €) and a personal glow.
Please note that our Heilstollen is only accessible via stairs and therefore not barrier-free. However, people with walking disabilities do not have to do without our healing gallery offer! By appointment we can offer you the therapy before or during the treatment. after the official visitor opening hours in a part of the tour through the show mine enable.
The conditions in this place are similar to those in the Heilstollen and do not have a negative effect on the success of the therapy. If you are interested, please contact our team!
Complementary offers in the health center Morassina
In the summer of 2007, a Kneipp facility was installed in the indoor and outdoor areas of the Morassina, which can be used by guests without restriction. It has a Kneipp basin in the outdoor area, a Kneipp basin in the indoor area and a Kneipp path in the outdoor area. Towels can be provided by the Morassina.
Furthermore, there is a modern barrier-free sauna in the building of the health center. It is designed according to the latest medical-therapeutic findings. Everything is done, which belongs to the correct health-promoting Saunieren. The sauna is open by appointment daily until 21.00 o’clock open. The cost is 9,00 € per person (children up to 10 years free).
In the tradition of the miners, products for health promotion can also be purchased in the Morassina. The Morassina herbal tea blend consists of many different herbs from the region. A special feature of the Morassina is the so called “pig drive”. This is a schnapps produced in the miner’s tradition – made with herbs from the region and sour Morassina water.
In the premises of the Morassina health center many other offers can be booked. An example, which is highly recommended in addition to the Heilstollen therapy, is shown below.
The Bio-Mechanical Pain Therapy (BMS)
The BMS therapy is a combination of gentle vibrations, which ensure that the muscles loosen, tensions are released and the blood circulation, the lymphatic system and the metabolism are stimulated.
The pores open, the whole body is better supplied with blood and oxygen up to the last smallest vessels. In this process the whole body relaxes.
The stresses on the spine are released, the intervertebral discs begin to regenerate. Targeted use of an energy field supports the whole thing. The strong increase of blood circulation, which is achieved by the energy field, provides a pain relief, which becomes more and more lasting. The mobility is increased with each application and complaints decrease more and more.
The connection between back pain and its causes in the abdominal area is very clear from an ostheopathic point of view. The internal organs shift against each other and change their position due to their fibrous suspension on the spine. Thereby the general well-being is demonstrably increased.
Through the targeted use of our bio-photon system in the abdominal area, it is possible to take the tensions out of the abdominal cavity and enable a return to the natural position of the internal organs. The pull on the spine is reduced and thus the cause of the pain is eliminated. The Bio-Photonen therapy sets exactly at the correct place and strengthens the past
Overall effect of the BMS therapy
Through the use of BMS therapy, energy field and bio-photon system, it has become possible for the first time to bring the various sources of vibration through the body in an undamped manner. The continuous coupling between the upper body and the lower body is thus guaranteed.
Your stay in Schmiedefeld
In the midst of the Thuringian slate mountains you will find the former miners’ and today’s Morassina resort Schmiedefeld in the Lichten valley. It owes its existence to the extensive iron ore deposits, which were already mined and known in the early Middle Ages. A field full of forges indicates that the ores were smelted on racing fires and further processed by forging. Hence the name for the place first mentioned in 1414.
The place itself is situated on the southeast slope of the Rauhügel massif at an altitude of 801.80 – 597.10 m above sea level. NN and belongs landscape-climatically to the low mountain range of the Thuringian forest. The weather character, directly in the resting center between leeward and windward events, is characterized by a frequent alternation of maritime and continental influences.
Due to its location in the ridge area of the Thuringian Slate Mountains, Schmiedefeld is often in the dusty area with cloudy, rainy weather in the presence of humid air masses. In calm, sunny weather it lies, predominantly in the cold half of the year, mostly above the immissions and comes thereby into the benefit of a clear, radiation-rich weather.
Through walks and stays in our still healing nature, there is the possibility of using and dosing bioclimatic effects. Due to the strong thermal and actic stimulating effects, the favorable air-hygienic conditions and the constant microclimate in the healing gallery “Sankt Barbara”, Schmiedefeld and its surroundings are very suitable for vacation and recreation during the whole year with regard to general prophylaxis, stimulation and hardening.
Schmiedefeld was a high altitude health resort from the 1920s until the end of the Second World War. In the 60’s was neglected to organize the update of the predicate. Since 1992, serious efforts are underway to continue these traditions.
The nearby surroundings are also worth a longer visit. A variety of attractions and sights make for a varied and interesting stay. Many hotels in the area cooperate with our facility. We are happy to arrange packages for your stay with us.
The Morassina team thanks you for your interest and wishes you a hearty “Glück Auf”! For questions and suggestions we are of course at your disposal!