Manuka honey – traditional remedy, which can be used in many ways

Manuka honey as a traditional remedy

Honey (especially Manuka honey) has a great importance as a natural remedy in the cultural history of various peoples. Already in ancient Egypt honey was used as a remedy. Among other things a papyrus points to it, on which approximately 500 honey prescriptions are contained.

The legendary Greek physician Hippocrates, to whom doctors still swear an oath today, recognized honey as an effective remedy for wounds and open ulcers. In the Middle Ages people used to treat wounds with compresses made of honey, wine and oils.

However, Manuka honey is many times superior to ordinary honeys in its healing properties. The honey from the flowers of the Manuka bush (Leptuspermum scoparium) in New Zealand, has a strong significance in the traditional healing art of the Maori tribes.

The antibacterial sugar degradation product Methylglyocal (MGO) is responsible for this. This is present in all honeys, but only at a ratio of 20 g/kg compared to up to 800 g/kg in Manuka honey. In addition, Manuka offers other valuable ingredients.

Modern medicine is rediscovering medicinal plants

Modern medicine has reached its limits in the treatment of numerous diseases. Therefore, in modern medicine there is a recourse to valuable medicinal plants, which have long been underestimated by modern medicine.

The Manuka honey could be with its versatile active complex a lasting alternative against different disease patterns. This is especially true for diseases caused by certain pathogens.

Manuka honey as an alternative to antibiotics

Treatment with antibiotics is considered controversial. At first antibiotics help only against illnesses, which are caused by bacteria. Antibiotics are a blunt sword for diseases caused by viruses and fungi. Moreover, many bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics as a result of beneficial mutations.

These mutated bacteria continue to spread and can be transmitted from person to person. As a result, there are already myriads of different antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. The medical profession is having a hard time keeping up with these developments with new antibiotics.

effective against diseases of the skin and gastrointestinal tract

Manuka honey, on the other hand, has a different effect on bacteria, as its high sugar content removes water from the bacteria and thus kills both anti-biotic-resistant and non-resistant bacteria. In addition, honey does not stop at fungi, viruses and other germs and destroys them just as effectively.

In a study of the University of Waikato the medical profession could prove that the Manuka honey is particularly effective against the bacteria of the strains Escherichia Coli and Helicobacter pylori. These bacteria are associated with gastrointestinal problems. Helicobacter bacteria can also cause gastric ulcers, stomach pain and gastritis.

Increased efficacy against Staphylococcus pus bacteria has also been reported. Skin impurities caused by acne, eczema, skin fungus, neurodermatitis, psoriasis and warts could be successfully fought with Manuka honey.

In addition, U.S. researchers have shown that manuka honey is effective against stubborn bacterial films and can even successfully combat stubborn bacterial cultures such as Escherichia coli and Proteus mirabilis, which are associated with diseases of the urinary tract.

The hydrogen peroxide, which is formed when honey is diluted with water, also has an antibacterial effect.

A diverse mechanism of action

Overall, manuka has a multimodal profile against various diseases. Singers swear by the honey to revive their vocal cords before performances and fight off coughs, hoarseness, sore throats, colds and respiratory infections.

Manuka honey also strengthens the immune system and has numerous antioxidants that scavenge the dreaded free radicals. Honey can also be used to treat pneumonia, bronchitis, middle ear infections and sinusitis.

Its anti-fungal action also fights fungal infections such as lichen, candida albicans and athlete’s foot. The honey also counteracts blood poisoning. Even though sweet honey should not be applied to the teeth, it is an exception in this respect.

Studies have shown that honey is effective against various dental problems, and that its dimensions are almost equal to those of modern toothpaste. Even the most serious diseases such as cancer can be contained by Manuka honey, which is why the University Hospital in Bonn, as a pioneer against certain types of cancer, relies on the use of the sweet gold.